Bird Doc

Welcome to the world of Exotic Animal Medicine. Those who are drawn to exotic animal care and ownership probably have a penchant for the unusual, the underappreciated, the beautiful. You probably don't worry about what you are having for dinner, but your tortoise has the best mixed greens money can buy.
You are my people, and the world needs all of you because you care. The unprecedented demise of natural ecosystems coupled with widespread apathy for anything beyond our desktops has systematically annihilated more species than I care to think about. 21 species were declared extinct in The United States alone in 2023. 2 million species are threatened globally. Our only chance to make a difference in a world where habitats are shrinking is to try to approximate new ones. Although keeping an exotic animal in a domestic environment is not optimal, it may be the only avenue left to perpetuate their existence.
We are all in this together. Let's try to make a difference. One patient at a time.